Refund Policy offers a 15 day trial to all registered users to use the SaaS without any financial obligation. To continue using the SaaS product, the user must choose a User Package, as defined on's website and purchase a monthly or annual subscription.

This policy applies to subscribers that have paid a premium to use's Cloud SaaS defined as "The Customer" in the below policy.

Automatic Recurring Billing Agreement between and the organization using ("Your Organization") including the person acting as the owner ("You") for Your Organization and/or the person acting as the billing contact ("Billing Contact") for Your Organization.

Please read this agreement carefully and in full before agreeing to create an account for Your Organization and authorize recurring payments. Please verify that all information provided is complete and accurate before confirming Your agreement.

You can cancel your membership within the first 48 hours from the date of transaction and receive a full refund.

You may however sign up for a free fully functioning 15 day trial and try the service before making a purchase.

Refer to our policies at at the bottom of the website.

You have the right to change Your payment method or withdraw Your consent to this Automatic Recurring Payment at any time. Doing so will cancel and deactivate Your Organization's account from all use at the end of the "billing month" of your subscription according to the following prorating terms.


If a customer cancels a subscription during the ongoing billing month, effective cancellation date is the next billing date (end of billing cycle). This means that the customer will not be billed next time and will have until that date to use the Cloud Product - SaaS.

If a customer downgrades a subscription during the ongoing billing month, effective downgrade date is the next billing date (end of billing cycle). This means that the customer will be billed next time for the downgraded package and will have until that date to use with the current package. The downgraded package will go into effect on the next billing cycle.

If a customer upgrades a subscription during the ongoing billing month, effective upgrade date is immediately and it will be prorated for the remaining days until the next billing date (end of billing cycle). The customer will be billed next time for the upgraded package and thereon.